type Theme<T extends VarGroup<unknown, symbol>, Tag extends symbol = symbol>
A Theme
is a type that represents a style that themes a set of variables in a given
. It's the result of calling stylex.createTheme
import type {VarGroup} from '@stylexjs/stylex';
import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';
import {vars} from './vars.stylex';
export const theme: Theme<typeof vars> = stylex.createTheme(vars, {
color: 'red', // OK
backgroundColor: 'blue', // OK
The most common use-case for Theme
is to accept a theme for a particular set of variables.
By default, all themes for the same VarGroup
are compatible with each other and have the same
type. However, the second type argument to Theme<>
can be used to give a theme a unique type.
import type {VarGroup} from '@stylexjs/stylex';
import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';
import {vars} from './vars.stylex';
declare const DarkThemeTag: unique symbol;
export const theme: Theme<typeof vars, DarkThemeTag> = stylex.createTheme(vars, {
color: 'red', // OK
backgroundColor: 'blue', // OK